Membership Application

Membership Application Procedure

1. Applicant should attend at least 2 general club meetings before his application can be approved. He/she shall apply on a form as approved by the Board of Directors and which shall provide that the applicant agrees to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws and the Code of Ethics of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Western Reserve, Inc., and the rules of the American Kennel Club. The application shall state the name, address, and occupation of the applicant.

2. Applicant must have two sponsors which have known the applicant for a minimum of 6 months and who have been members themselves for at least one year.

3. If the first criteria are met, the applicant can get an application, club constitution and code of ethics from the corresponding secretary. The application must be filled out and returned with a dues check to the corresponding secretary.

4. After an application is submitted it will be read at two consecutive meetings. Provided that the applicant is present and dues have been paid, the members at the second reading will vote on the application.

5. If the applicant is accepted, the corresponding secretary will mail the applicant a letter of “Welcome” to the club